Before I start on with my
explanation of the topic, I would like to share a certain scientific fact.
It is amazing to know how
nature holds answers to questions about God. One need not look anywhere for
answers but to the very creation of the Creator. There are things we see and
yet neglect it not understanding that it has a concise account in it. I would like to
tell you of one such fact.
We all see ants everywhere we go. If you have not, then place a small chunk of sugar in the corner of your house. You
will see ants around it a couple of days later. And when this happens, you
would see ants lining up to take pieces of the sugar back to its hole.
Ever wondered, why and how these ants walk in a line neatly one after the
other? I hardly could stand still in line back in my school. I started to
wonder why and how they do it. That's when I read an article which said that
there is a leader among the ants, a commander, who goes out in search for food
and when he finds it, he comes back to his colony and lead others to the food.
How do they walk in a line? The commander leaves a scent called pheromone
behind him to find his way back. And when the other ants follow him, they too
leave the scent behind them for others to follow so that the initial scent do
not fade away (scents of different types of ants have different lasting
period). This is what makes them walk in line.
Experiment this. Try placing a
pile of sugar at a spot and guide an ant towards it. You know where the sugar
is, you know where the ant is supposed to go and you are to guide the ant
towards it. Would you be successful in this attempt? Unless the ants get
squashed under you. The ant would go anywhere except where you want it to go.
It goes here and there, over and under your hand, anywhere but to the pile of
sugar. The ant would follow only a leader ant or another ant of the same kind.
In the same way, God was among
his people but they did not listen to his voice. He gave His commandments to
His people so they would follow the right path and yet they failed to obey Him.
We read this in Jeremiah 7:21-24
21 “‘This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of
Israel, says: Go ahead, add your burnt offerings to your other sacrifices and
eat the meat yourselves! 22 For
when I brought your ancestors out of Egypt and spoke to them, I did not just
give them commands about burnt offerings and sacrifices, 23 but I gave them this command: Obey me, and I
will be your God and you will be my people. Walk in obedience to all I command
you, that it may go well with you. 24
But they did not listen or pay attention; instead, they followed the stubborn
inclinations of their evil hearts. They went backward and not forward.
His own people would not
listen to the Almighty God, the father of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Just like the ants, since people would not obey God or listen to Him, God sent
His one and only son, among men to guide and lead His people. God will not
abandon us even if we do so –
13 if we are faithless,
he remains
for he cannot
disown himself.
2 Timothy 2:13
It was for this very reason
why God chose to take the form of a man, to be the lowest of all so that
through His humbleness, we could learn to humble ourselves before God, to be
Holy so that we might be holy, to love and be loved. Jesus died for us on the
cross so that through his death we might live and not face death a second time.
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends –
John 15:13.
Let us leave a scent of the Word of God behind for others to follow to Christ - the hope of glory. A scent through our living, setting our living as an example, loving everyone and caring for others.
‘For God so
loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him
shall not perish but have eternal life.’
John 3:16.